Milestone 4
Lennard-Jones potential with direct summation

Learning goals

The student will…

  • …learn how to implement a simple interatomic potential.
  • …learn how to systematically test the implementation of this interatomic potential.


We will now implement our first interatomic potential: A Lennard-Jones interaction. The energy of a system interacting via Lennard-Jones forces is given by

\[E_\text{pot} = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{ij} 4 \varepsilon \left[ \left(\frac{\sigma}{r_{ij}}\right)^{12} - \left(\frac{\sigma}{r_{ij}}\right)^6\right]\]

The term \(\propto r^{-12}\) is a simple model for Pauli repulsion and the term \(\propto r^{-6}\) is a model for London dispersion forces. Within this milestone, you will implement this potential via direct summation, i.e. directly using the equation given above without cutting it off at a certain distance.

Note that it can be useful to create a separate build target with a separate main.cpp for this milestone. Our notes on Meson describe how to do that.

A data structure for the atomic system

Before starting, we introduce a data structure that holds the information on the atomic system, i.e. the positions, velocities, forces etc. This makes it easier to pass the atomic system around. We suggest a data structure of the form:

using Positions_t = Eigen::Array3Xd; 
using Velocities_t = Eigen::Array3Xd; 
using Forces_t = Eigen::Array3Xd; 
class Atoms { 
    Positions_t positions; 
    Velocities_t velocities; 
    Forces_t forces; 
    Atoms(const Positions_t &p) : 
            positions{p}, velocities{3, p.cols()}, forces{3, p.cols()} { 
    Atoms(const Positions_t &p, const Velocities_t &v) : 
            positions{p}, velocities{v}, forces{3, p.cols()} { 
        assert(p.cols() == v.cols());

    size_t nb_atoms() const { 
        return positions.cols(); 

The const qualifier behind nb_atoms tells the compiler that this method does not change the state of the Atoms object, i.e. the value of positions, velocities and forces are not affected by a call to nb_atoms. Place this data structure in a separate header file, e.g. atoms.h. We had already discussed in [Milestone 3] that the types should reside in their own header, e.g. types.h. You can then simply include them in atoms.h by placing #include "types.h" somewhere at the beginning of the file. Make sure all header files have header guards.

Signature of the function that computes the interatomic potential

Implement the Lennard-Jones potential. Note that you will need to derive the analytical gradient of the total energy

\[\vec{f}_k = -\nabla_k E\]

before you can implement the analytical forces. The final expression should take the form

\[\vec{f}_k = \sum_i \vec{f}_{ik}\]

where \(\vec{f}_{ik}\) is a pair force. (You need to evaluate the specific expression for \(\vec{f}_{ik}\) yourself.) This type of expression is most efficiently computed by looping over unique pairs.

We suggest a function with the following signature:

double lj_direct_summation(Atoms &atoms, double epsilon = 1.0, double sigma = 1.0);

This signature defines default parameters for epsilon and sigma, i.e. they need to be specified only if they differ from unity. The function directly modifies the forces in atoms.forces. The return value of this function is the potential energy. Place this function in its own source and header file, e.g. lj_direction_summation.h and lj_direct_summation.cpp.

Testing the implementation

When implementing this function you will want to test that the forces that are computed are correct. In particular, the forces and energy need to be consistent in the sense that the forces are the negative derivative of the energy. The energy is typically easy to implement correctly, but forces can be fiddly. One sign of wrong forces is that energy in a molecular dynamics simulation is not conserved, but there are also other causes for this effect (e.g. a time step that is too large) which makes it difficult as a test for the implementation of forces.

The common strategy is to compute the forces numerically from the energies. For this, we have to compute a numerical first derivative. This is straightforward to do from the difference quotient, e.g.

\[f'(x) \approx \frac{f(x+\Delta x) - f(x-\Delta x)}{2 \Delta x}\]

A formal derivation of this expression can be obtained from a Taylor expansion of \(f(x)\). We can use this expression to compute numerical estimates of the forces. A test that uses this to test the analytical forces of the potential can be found here: test_lj_direct_summation.cpp. Place this file in your tests subdirectory and add it to the to use it. Open it in an editor and try to understand how the test works. This type of test is often called a gradient test.

A first molecular dynamics calculation

You are now in a position to run a first molecular dynamics calculation. To do this, you need a reasonable initial state for your simulation. The initial state is the initial condition for the solution of Newton’s equation of motion and requires you to specify positions and momenta. You can find such an initial state in the following file: The format of this file is called the XYZ file format. We provide a C++ module for reading and writing these files here: xyz.h, xyz.cpp. Include these files into your project. Also open them in an editor and try to understand what they do.

You can then read an XYZ-file using the following code block:

#include "xyz.h"
auto [names, positions, velocities]{read_xyz_with_velocities("")};

The variable names contains the element names that you can discard at this point. Important are the variables positions and velocities that you should use as the initial state of your simulation. Note that the velocities contained in are an extension to the typical XYZ file format that is, however, understood by common visualization tools.

Update your code to read this file and then propagate the simulation for a total time of at least \(100 \sqrt{m\sigma^2/\varepsilon} \). Use a mass of unity (\(m=1)\) and \(\varepsilon=1\) and \(\sigma=1\) for the Lennard-Jones interaction. A reasonable initial time step is \( 0.001 \sqrt{m\sigma^2/\varepsilon} \). Monitor the total energy of your simulation. For this you need to implement the computation of the kinetic energy.

At this point you can quantify the influence of the time step on your simulation. Change the time step and see how the total energy evolves. What is a good time step for your simulation?


Since you have now run the first molecular dynamics calculation, it is useful to visualize your simulation, i.e. look at how the individual atoms move over time. To achieve this, output the state of the simulation as an XYZ at time intervals of order \(1 \sqrt{m\sigma^2/\varepsilon} \).

XYZ-files can be visualized with the Open Visualization Tool (OVITO). Download OVITO Basic, install it and look at one of your XYZ files. To output trajectories, you can do two things:

  • Consecutively number your files, e.g.,,, etc., OVITO will automatically detect that this is a sequence of files (a trajectory) and allow you visualize the time evolution of your atomic configuration.
  • Write multiple XYZs into the same file. Also here OVITO will autodetect that this is a trajectory. The following code snippets where write_xyz can be repeated as often as necessary does this:
std::ofstream traj("");
write_xyz(traj, atoms);
write_xyz(traj, atoms);

The second approach has the advantage that there is only a single file that you need to work with, but it can be difficult to extract individual frames from it (e.g. for restarts of your simulation).

Task summary

This milestone requires the following tasks:

  • Derive the analytical expression for the forces of the Lennard-Jones potential
  • Implement the Lennard-Jones potential and make sure the gradient test passes
  • Implement computation of the kinetic energy
  • Run a first molecular dynamics simulation
  • Decide on a “good” time step
  • Download and install OVITO
  • Visualize your simulation

We ask you to provide the following analytical results in your final report:

  • Derivation of the analytical expression for the forces of the Lennard-Jones potential

We ask you to provide and discuss the following figures in your final report:

  • Plot of the total energy as a function of time for different time steps
  • A sequence of snapshots (no more than 5) from your simulation run

We provide the following files for you:

Copyright © 2021-2023 Lars Pastewka, Wolfram Nöhring, Lucas Frérot. All material licensed under CC BY SA 4.0 unless otherwise noted.